Wednesday, February 13, 2008

B-Man Mega Update: Part 2

Let's keep the good stuff coming! I hope you enjoyed my Christmas photos! There are so many milestones in my first year! It's hard to keep up with all of them sometimes. Well, no mega update would be complete without...

Mega Update: Part 2
Me, Me, Me!

Have I mentioned how cute I can be?

Here's my new hat and mittens. These mittens don't taste like my fingers do!

Here I am in the Jumperoo. I jump so much it makes me sick!

Just kidding! I never get sick of jumping! Just ask mommy and daddy!

The great thing about jumping is that I have strong legs. I can stand up when mommy and daddy help me. Here I am caught in the act!

Here's me and my "adopted aunt" Amanda. She's comfy!

Speaking of comfy, I can't help but kick back sometimes and nap a little.

As you can see, I have mastered the art of sleeping anywhere!

I love cuddling!

Daddy thought this was a striking, three quarter profile shot of me. Very contemplative, don't you think?

1 comment:

Brooke W said...

My favorite picture...what a little man! Brooke