Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Brayden is around 1 year in these pics!

Brayden climbing on futon.

Brayden and Aunt "Ca Ca" - Brayden is around 1 year here.

Brayden eating his bite-bites and juice for snack...yum!


It's been a while since I"ve been on here. I'm two and I can be a little booger sometimes, but most of the time I'm still a very sweet boy. I go to daycare now and love it! I've made lots of friends! I will start potty training soon...again. The first time I got really sick with a stomach bug and didn't want to sit on the potty anymore. I recently got to pick out my own potty seat that has Elmo bath characters on it. This potty seat goes right on the toilet. I will start potty training on Nov. 2nd. Mommy hears that 2 years and 3 months is the magical age for potty training...so we will see about it. Hopefully Mommy and Daddy will post pics of me really soon. I've gotten so big!

Friday, February 27, 2009

sick & potty training.

I've been really sick lately. I had Roseola & a couple ear infections. I just recently got over a nasty bug that caused me to have a fever and throwing up. It wasn't pretty. I slept a lot. I felt better the next day, but then Mommy got it. She's been sick with the bug for a couple days now.

On a more positive note, I've been working on using the potty. Mommy started me training on the potty on Mon., Feb. 16, 2009. By Thur. I was peeing on the potty and Friday I was pooping and peeing on the potty. Mommy gives me 1 M&M for peeing on the potty and 2 M&M's for pooping on the potty. Mommy only had the peanut M&M's, so she gave me those. They are yummy! I love the crunch it makes. I didn't have a reaction to the peanuts, so that was good.

Well, I'm off to take a nap. Night night!